Video Case Studies
The videos are intended to show a number of students progressing from beginning sessions to later workshops or sessions. Each student is different. Some begin smoothly and continue smoothly. Others begin in what seems to be a "tornado" and ends in a "calm lake." In respect to students I have strived to maintain their dignity so I have kept off scenes that may embarrass them. These are not "study subjects," but humans. I used "case study" for lack of a better term. These videos are just to help you as you start or continue your journey, you can see that if your child chooses or miss aims a lot at the first that later it will be a night and day difference. If your child starts out kicking and screaming, that can completely change. This also shows the provider learning overtime as well.
Be aware that some students progressed to higher levels before the time of the second video.
Be aware that some students progressed to higher levels before the time of the second video.
Student 1
These videos are 5 months apart.
Student is learning, how to choose, what to choose and spell as well as regulating to RPM.
Student is able to spell out full thoughts on letterboard and has good enough motor control and regulation with RPM to do a little practice on transferring skills to a keyboard.
Student 2
First clip is the beginning of 2015. Second clip is in 2016. He is now able to intentionally perform other skills like hold something and poke a needle through to sew, where as when he first began he would not have been able to do so. Note: he was able to spell on the full board long before the second video.
Student is spelling out thoughts on a half letterboard (displaying a-o or p-z to pick from to spell the answer.) He had already worked with another RPM provider and with his mother previous to this video.
Student has good enough aim to spell out thoughts in complete sentence and also coordinate holding plastic canvas while with the other hand aiming and sewing.
Student 3
These videos are 10 months apart.
Here he is learning to choose and spell known answers on the board. That is I teach and then ask for a response giving two choices.
Here student is able to express an opinion, with a few errors and some resets between words and sometimes letters...although clear in what he is writing.
Student 4
These clips are 10 months apart.